The Spirit of 1968 Walking Tour


Photo Credit: Anabel Simotas

This podcast—led and produced by Anabel Simotas— examines our tour on “The Spirit of 1968” with Nadav Gablinger of Gablinger Tours, which covers the students’ movement of 1968 in Berlin and various other similar movements throughout the world. According to the tour company, “The face of modern, post-unification is impacted by the Students’ Movement of 1968, and the different developments in German politics it has ignited. They brought ‘Green’ notions of human rights and environmental policy to the German discourse, but others have resorted to use force to reach their objectives. Berlin, the divided city, was at the centre of Germany’s political changes, and in your tour, you will see why it has attracted the rebels and the challengers, and what they have done there. In this tour, Gablinger will show you the crossroads that changed the face of modern Germany and the relics of the 1968 Revolution in contemporary Berlin.”

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Photo Credit: Anabel Simotas

Anabel Simotas, New York City native, majors in History/Classics/Political Science and minors in German at Colorado College. In her free time, she enjoys knitting, cooking, at-home-Spa-treatments, period piece TV programs, and disco. Ultimately, she would like to pursue a Masters in Social Work.

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Photo Credit: Anabel Simotas

Joining Anabel in her discussion are Dylan Compton—a Tulsa, OK native majoring in Religion and International Affairs with a Chinese language minor, and Britta Lam—a Hong Kong native who hopes to double major in German and Environmental Science.

NOTE: The featured image photo credit also belongs to Anabel Simotas.


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