
The Block 1 2016 Monthly Rag



The Quarterly Quickie

Created by Colorado College students Angela Kong (Editor), Kevin Lowe (Editorial Assistant), Samantha Buxbaum (Journalist), Joseph LoyaconoBustos (Journalist), Lauren Dinsmore (Graphic Designer) during Block 6 2014

Created by Colorado College students Angela Kong (Editor), Kevin Lowe (Editorial Assistant), Samantha Buxbaum (Journalist), Joseph LoyaconoBustos (Journalist), Lauren Dinsmore (Graphic Designer) during Block 6 2014

“Our goal at The Quarterly Quickie is to educate people about sex positivity and to illustrate how it is important to view sex with an open and nonjudgmental mindset. Often, society attempts to understand the world in simplistic binaries such as ‘good’ or ‘bad.’ Fortunately, life cannot be categorized like this. In contrast, life is extremely multifaceted and nuanced and we can discover these gray areas of life when we keep an open mind. We hope this magazine helps give its readers insight into the complicated subject matters of sexual discourse, sex education, and sex in the military, and introduce a nuanced approach to understanding sex today.”
—Angela Kong, Editor

Click here to read The Quarterly Quickie!


Uncensored: For the Flexible Reader

Block 7 2012

Created by Colorado College students Tess Gattuso (Editor), Sophie Javna (Editorial Assistant), Rosie Nelson (Journalist), Nina Friedman (Journalist), and Blaise Yafcak (Graphic Designer) during Block 7 2013

“Porn is a difficult topic to cover. In porn, we see the commodification of sexuality, identities, and bodies…yikes!  Carole S. Vance touches upon the importance of a nuanced analysis of porn in her essay ‘Pleasure and Danger: Toward a Politics of Sexuality.’  She argues, ‘To focus only on pleasure and gratification ignores the patriarchal structure in which women, yet to speak only of sexual violence and oppression ignores women’s experience with sexual agency.’  Uncensored aims to avoid one-sided views of pornography and instead apply a multifaceted approach to the industry.  Instead of censoring porn, Uncensored magazine chooses to explore its potential for FEMINIST ACTION.  While doing so, we remain cognizant of the consequences we see translating between the private realm of porn and the public realm of sexual relationships.  Read on for a raunchy, nuanced variety of pieces speaking to the role that porn can play in our lives.”
–Tess Gattuso, Editor

Before you read Uncensored: For the Flexible Reader, you GOTTA check out the trailer:

Click here to read Uncensored!


Now that you’ve seen the trailer and read the magazine, check out these HILARIOUS bloopers: