Wave: A Fem Rag


Created by Kadesha Caradine (Editor), Nitika Reddy (Editorial Assistant), Kali Place (Journalist), Sam Stallings (Journalist), and Laura Cutlip (Graphic Designer) during Block 6 2015

Wave is a feminist rag that outfits Third Wave feminist ideology. Here at Wave, we try to make sure that we are as all-encompassing as possible, because we believe that inclusivity, as well as diversity, are two very important issues when it comes to Third Wave feminism. In our very first edition of Wave, we have decided to take on topics including body positivity and sex positivity, along with the looming question, “Should men be included in feminism?” Our plan is to shed light on feminist topics in a way that is empowering and productive in our advancement for the equal opportunity of women.”
—Kadesha Caradine, Editor

Click here to read Wave: A Fem Rag!