While Things Are Stirring

While Things Are Stirring (Cover)

Created by Dorsa Djalilzadeh (Editor), Niyat Ogbazghi (Journalist), Mariel Wilson (Journalist), and Corrina Leatherwood (Graphic Designer) in Block 6 2017

“At times activist work can be daunting but that is why we are here. This publication exists as a guide, a way for learning the theories and the on-the-ground tactics for acknowledging and resisting oppression and engaging in conscious and intentional activism and feminism. Whether it be by protesting with a sign or tweeting to people across the world, ultimately, it is this work that must continue and spread to effect change. As Sojourner Truth so aptly said, ‘I am for keeping things going while things are stirring; because if we wait till it is still, it will take a great while to get it going again’ (92). For some people, existence itself is resistance. For them, that is enough. But some of us can do even more and it is our responsibility to resist for them. Moving is resistance, even the subtlest raising of an arm. Reader, do not go still. Ask for help. Do not hesitate. Keep things stirring.”
—Dorsa Djalilzadeh, Editor

Click here to read While Things Are Stirring!

While Things Are Stirring (ToC)